1. The Editor-in-Chief evaluates all the review articles submitted to the journal.
2. He checks if the content of the article complies with the journal rules (author names, corresponding author, institution information, e-mail address, contact numbers, ORCID numbers, Turkish abstract, keywords, English abstract, keywords are added, names and institution names are masked in the main text), checks that the article has an introduction and conclusion sections, the references are numbered in the text, the references comply with the journal bibliographic style, financial, conflict of interest, author contributions, copyright form submission). When a non-compliance is found, he directs it back to the author. At this stage, he may reject the article.
3. If statistical analyses are available, manuscript is sent to the Statistics Editor. Directs the Statistics Editor's comments to the authors.
4. To appoint Field Editors, based on the content of the subject, the most suitable field editor is assigned to the article from the list of field editors registered in the Database.
5. The Field Editor is naturally knowledgeable about all the content of the journal's "Information for Authors and Reviewers" section.
6. After reading the review article, the Field Editor determines at least two suitable referees if it is compatible with his field. The Field Editor is knowledgeable about double-blind evaluation. If editor is not compatible with this field, reports the situation to the Editor-in-Chief.
7. The Editor-in-Chief carries out the referee process in coordination with the Field Editor (the referee process consisting of at least two people has been completed, the answer file of the review to the referees has been added, the file with the requested changes has been uploaded). As long as there is a referee who says "I want to see it again", the referee process cannot be completed. At this stage, the relevant Field Editor checks the disruptions in the processes, deadlines, and task extensions.
8. The process is completed with the message by the Field Editor: "The referee process has been completed, the article can be forwarded to the editor-in-chief."
9. The Chief Editor makes the final evaluation. After the article is accepted, DOI registration procedures are initiated.
10. The editor (after completing processes such as final reading and layout) makes the final check during the conversion of the article file to PDF. After converting it to PDF format (galley proof), then the article is sent to the corresponding author for final checks.
11. After the final check and "publication approval" is received from the author, the evaluation process is completed by adding it to the accepted articles.